Top 5 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid


94% of first impressions that make visitors distrust a website are related to design.

Whether you're building a new website or redesigning an existing one, avoiding common web design mistakes can help your business stand out as a trusted brand in the industry.

In this blog, we'll share 5 common web design mistakes and show you how you can avoid them. So let's share Brandon's experience and help you create a website that both engages your audience and converts visitors into customers.

What are the most common mistakes in web design?


Web design mistakes can significantly impact a website's user experience, engagement, and conversions.

- Slow loading speed

- Non-responsive web design

- Common calls to action (CTA)

- Uncertain messages

- Convoluted interface

1. Slow loading speed

A slow loading speed can lead to a poor experience for website visitors and it is likely that visitors will leave the website before it is fully loaded.

Factors that contribute to slow loading speeds include large file sizes, outdated code, and too many plug-in files. To avoid this error, optimize your media files by reducing the size of images and videos, and use lazy loading techniques to load content only as needed. You can also use website speed tools like Google PageSpeed ​​Insights and Pingdom to monitor your website's loading speed.

The Google PageSpeed ​​Insights score ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better performance.

It is classified as:

  • 0 to 49 (red): bad
  • 50 to 89 (yellow): Average
  • 90 to 100 (green): fast


2. Non-responsive web design

Non-responsive web design refers to a website layout that does not adapt to different screen sizes. In a non-responsive design, elements such as images and navigation maintain their absolute size and position regardless of the device being used. This web design mistake can lead to a poor user experience, as visitors will have to rotate their devices horizontally.

To avoid this mistake, use responsive web design as it automatically adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience regardless of device.


3. Common Calls to Action (CTAs)

A CTA encourages the visitor to take a specific action. This could be a button: "Click here to subscribe". Lack of clear CTAs in web design refers to CTA buttons with vague messages, such as "Learn more" or "See more". This web design mistake can lead to confusion and missed conversion opportunities because the user doesn't know what exactly is behind the button.

In fact, personalized, detailed CTAs perform 202% better than generic CTAs.

To avoid this mistake, set clear and actionable CTAs to set the user's expectations and help them understand what's behind the button they're about to click.

For example, if you want the visitor to make a purchase, include a "Buy Now" button.


4. Vague messages

Vague posts refer to content that does not demonstrate the uniqueness and originality of the services or products you offer.

To avoid this mistake, choose effective messages right at the top to let your audience know what your brand offers and what sets you apart from the competition.


5. Convoluted interface

A cluttered interface is a website layout that is visually overwhelming, busy, and unclassified. This happens when you try to put too much information on one page, which distracts visitors from the important to the unimportant.

To avoid this mistake, include white space to create a cleaner and more organized layout. White space can break up content and help the eyes relax, making it easier to focus on key elements like content and CTAs.

All the mistakes listed in the blog lead to poor web design as well as a negative user experience. So, if you are planning to create a website for your business, you can take a look at Brandon's work focused on providing a positive user experience, high traffic, and conversion rate.