Top 5 Best Slogans


It is important to understand that the advertising industry is in constant evolution on the other hand slogans have been in the advertising world for more than one hundred years, some slogans date back to the 1800’s. Consumer, perhaps a few slogans are created in your mind, or that come to your mind immediately after you are presented with a product with such a slogan. 

These slogans are the ones that turn into an effective weapon in the hands of the advertisers. Incredibly, if you are looking to popularize your marketing campaign, you can always turn to a slogan. A good slogan goes a long way in reminding your customers of your business or the products and services that you are selling. It also helps your company remain in the memory of your customers” Speaking of which, we still need a slogan for this company, one that is catchy and long-lasting. it means that whenever a customer is exposed to something with reference to the slogan, he/she associates it with that brand. It ranges from the McDonald’s fast food chain imagery in the 1960s to Nike consumption invites ‘Just do it’ to date. Sophisticated examples of excellent slogans make it easier for one to develop a slogan for the business. The blog Brandon has listed ten powerful slogans that are very familiar and which are directive.

MasterCard. ''Two wrongs don’t make a right''; There are things that money cannot buy. There’s a MasterCard for everything else.

MasterCard’s communications strategy may well be the world’s shortest: two words, two sentences, The current slogan was developed in 1997 for an intensive advertising campaign that covered 98 countries and targeted 46 languages. The campaign starting with the very first ad was a television commercial which was first aired in 1997.

M&M. This ''Course, no one wants the product to'' melt in his/her hand rather it should melt in his/her mouth.

Here I have a powerful brand that distinguished itself right away from rivals with its slogan. Chocolate is chocolate. There are millions of chocolates out there in the market, yet how can one chocolate be different from the other? Which is, of course, moving the convenience factor forward.

This particular example further allows the identification of something that will set your brand apart from another one – a tough shell that would under no conditions melt the chocolate in your hand.

De Beers. "A diamond is forever"

Anyway, they provide little worth – the worth of a little piece of coal converted into a shining diamond. Actually, for all arithmetic operations, 1 carat of diamond is equal to at least half the price of the diamond at the jewelry store. Well, how did they lead to their association with riches, luxury, and affection? All of this was because of a shaded, complex marketing campaign created and implemented by N.W., and all credit goes to the Ayer agency of the early twentieth century for De Beers’.

The tag ‘A diamond is forever’ has been incorporated in every De Beers ad since 1948 and in 1999 it was declared the slogan of the century. As far as the advertising concept is concerned, it is remarkable in creating the exact feeling De Beers intended – like your love, diamonds are. It also enabled consumers to refrain from passing on their acquired diamonds. Resale at a large scale distrupted the market and brings out the fact that most of the stones were not worth the value ascribed to them.


Nike. Just Do It

For any product and event Nike develops and sponsors the famous slogan ‘Just Do It’ is the tagline.

Of course, it did not take Nike long to get the advantage of the slogan they adopted. It evolved from only being a sportswear company to something bigger. subsequently, it ceased to be viewed as a part of the unhealthy lifestyle. It reminds you that you do not need to be a sportsperson in order to be fit or to sack an enemy. High sexual desire in women does not entail the capacity to seduce but rather, if you want to do it, just do it. That's all it takes.

Apple. "Think Different"

The principle “Think Different” was introduced in Steve Jobs’ commercial One Computer. Performed in 1997. It was to remain as the symbol of the superiority of Macintosh over the IBM branded computers.

This served to give people an awareness that Apple is not an old computer. In Forbes magazine, it was reported that within one year of airing the ad Apple’s shares went up three fold. Al tho U put your (stock) in another slogan, to wit, that ‘‘the world is your oyster’’, folks who use Apple products still believe they are part of a community of ‘‘different thinkers.’’

Having an understanding between classic and catchy slogans, it is high time that you incorporated your business to success. It is widely used in most companies as one of the most critical parts of branding; for more data or to consult with specialists in this sphere about the branding services offered by the Brandon Agency, you can visit our website.