Brand Voice as an Element of Brand Identity


Brand voice is an important component of brand identity. It includes the personality, tone, and style of brand communication, shaping how customers perceive the brand.

People's voices reflect their personalities. Likewise, brands have their own voice. It is formed while communicating with customers.


How do you find the right brand voice?

Choosing the right brand voice is critical to successful branding. It gives you the opportunity to connect with the audience and differentiate yourself from competitors, build lasting relationships.

By following Brandon's suggested guide, you can make choosing a brand voice easier.


Step 1: Review the brand mission

Start the selection by conducting a comprehensive brand identity audit. Reevaluate your branding elements, mission, values ​​, and personality. Assess how well the current brand voice matches the USP and supports the overall brand image.


Step 2: Know your target audience by understanding how they speak

To effectively engage with your audience, you need to speak their language. Conduct research to determine the language and tone that best suits their preferences.

The best way to learn how your audience interacts is to pay close attention to social media comments. Analyze the language your audience uses, the tone they adopt, and the emotions they express. This valuable feedback can help make the brand's voice more understandable to the target audience.


Step 3: Set the tone of your brand voice with the help of 3 questions

Now that you're armed with actionable insights, it's time to create a brand voice. Creating an engaging and relevant brand voice requires digging into the core elements of the brand. By asking yourself the following three questions, you can get a clearer picture of your brand's personality, target audience, preferred tone of voice, and desired emotional impact.

What is the brand personality? In this way, you seem to describe the character of the brand. Consider the values, traits, and characteristics that best represent the brand. Which archetype does the brand belong to? Consider a tone of voice that matches the brand personality and resonates with your target audience.

Should your brand voice be formal, informal, friendly, or a combination? Determine how you want your brand to be perceived by customers and how that perception fits into the overall brand strategy. Consider the feelings you want to evoke in your audience and the overall perception you want to create. For example, if your brand aims to be fun, energetic, and approachable, then those adjectives should form the tone of the brand.


Step 4: Apply your brand voice consistently

Once you have defined your strategy, it is very important to apply it consistently across all communication channels. Consistency plays a key role in building brand recognition, establishing a strong identity, and establishing a deeper connection with your audience.

To summarize the blog, a strong brand voice is a critical component of building a successful and influential brand. Examples of successful and effective branding and rebranding can be found on Brandon's website.