Encouraging Action with Quality Text Content


The goal of any marketer and social media manager is to create text that not only attracts readers but also engages a large target audience. In our latest blog, we delve into how to achieve this effectively.

The primary purpose of text content is to influence the reader. Good textual content on social media can inform and entertain, educate, and provoke, all at the same time. Here's how to create content that drives your audience to action:


A Call to Action


Every effective piece of content includes a call to action (CTA). These phrases encourage readers to subscribe, buy, leave contact information, give feedback, or share the content with friends.

A clear CTA is typical of sales-oriented texts. However, blatant appeals can make readers wary, thinking the author is seeking their benefit. Instead, CTAs should be subtle, and woven into the context of the content. For instance, a text promising future publications on a given topic naturally encourages readers to subscribe for notifications. Similarly, descriptive or narrative content can evoke a need to purchase without directly stating it.


 Arousing Emotions

Emotions are powerful catalysts for action. When we are filled with emotions, we cannot remain indifferent: we might scream if the emotions are negative or laugh with happiness. By evoking certain emotions in the reader, you can direct their behavior.

Ways to evoke emotions:

- Affect the reader's feelings: Evoke sympathy or regret.

- Challenge beliefs and values: Directly or indirectly question shared or personal beliefs.

- Warn of potential dangers: Highlight risks that may await.

- Cheer up and amuse: Make your reader smile or laugh.

Negative emotions like fear, greed, and envy attract attention more often but should be used sparingly to avoid backlash. Stories are excellent for evoking emotions. Positive characters are easier to sympathize with, and negative characters are easier to dislike. It's the emotions from these stories—sympathy, curiosity, or envy—that compel action, not the stories themselves.


 Acquiring Knowledge

Texts aimed at imparting knowledge stimulate the reader's interest and commitment. Providing valuable information encourages readers to engage with your content regularly. This often leads to subscriptions to your social networks or blogs to stay informed. The desired outcome includes positive comments, brand reinforcement, and increased product sales.


Funny and engaging content is highly effective. It is simple, understandable, and easy to digest, making it very shareable. However, entertaining content doesn't always have to be humorous. It can be a lighthearted quiz or an interesting real-life story. Such content helps build loyalty and attract likes and shares.

 Principles for Creating Effective Content

To ensure your content is effective, consider the following principles:

- Social Component: Content should support the user's high profile and reflect social positions on important issues.

- Trigger: Include elements that instantly evoke many reader's reactions, preferably positive emotions.

- Sensitivity: The content should evoke feelings and associations, leaving no reader indifferent.

- Benefit: The content should not only entertain and interest but also have practical applications, helping improve or simplify life.


Vivid and convincing comparisons and descriptions can capture attention and persuade customers. Whether you write this text yourself or use a neural network, creativity is key.

Remember, good text alone cannot promote your brand. If you need advice or assistance with social media marketing, BrandOn marketing and branding agency is here to help.