Black PR: Examples, Methods, and Impact


What is Black PR? Answering this question briefly is quite difficult. This phenomenon has existed for a long time and is widely used in marketing and advertising, demonstrating extreme effectiveness.

It is essentially a set of activities aimed at destroying or damaging the reputation of a brand, company, or individual. Sometimes it is a hidden tactic, while other times it is an open attempt to harm a competitor’s reputation.

Goals of Black PR

  • Destroy a company’s reputation
  • Create a negative image of a product
  • Shape negative consumer perception
  • Gain customers from competitors


Tasks of Black PR Online and Beyond

  • Identifying competitors' weaknesses and actively using them in advertising campaigns
  • Destroying a competitor’s reputation to push them out of the market


Key Aspects of Black PR

Information is the main weapon of any PR campaign. It can be obtained in different ways and presented in various contexts.

Main Black PR Methods:

  • Deliberately spreading false information, or if the information is true, obtaining it illegally (espionage, bribery, etc.)
  • Presenting information in a way that destroys a company’s image
  • Exposing facts, data, and stories about a company in a way that violates ethical standards


Channels Used for Black PR

The internet is the main platform where target audiences are concentrated. However, traditional media, television, and radio should not be overlooked, as they can also be used for such campaigns.


How to Combat Black PR

  • Managing comments: monitoring and neutralizing negative feedback
  • Addressing media publications: publishing truthful, positive information about the company
  • Controlling the information field: tracking rumors and responding promptly

In conclusion, the key is to stay calm and act professionally. Seeking help from a reputation management specialist can be one of the best solutions.